njrat fud crypter GUI

Njrat is one of the most popular RAT software.  It has no official website, so download link is difficult to obtain. I will not share download link for many purposes, but you can search on your own. Google is your friend! It's very easy to use though. There are no complicated setup options This simplicity makes it a very popular RAT.  Below is sample screenshot of njRAT.

njrat free download

You can use njRAT server directly. It works fine, but it's detected by almost all antivirus software.  To bypass virus protection in 2013 you need to encrypt or crypt your exe file. This will make it FUD (Fully Undetectable) and all antivirus software will be bypassed. 

Kaser crypter is the latest FUD crypter which can help you to make your server fully undetectable from antivirus software. It's simple, clean and totally FUD. Kaser crypter will not corrupt your njRAT server, however it might not work properly with other RAT software like blackshades or darkcomet. For darkcomet, cybergate or blackshades RAT use this latest 2013 crypter.

How to use Kaser Crypter?
1. Select exe file which you want to crypt.
2. Click Generate for random encryption key.
3. Click Crypter.

Note: This crypter does not have advance crypting options like add to startup, istall path, etc. So you have to select them while creating your server in RAT controller software.

That's all. Now you have successfully crypted your file using this free FUD crypter. You can test it in vmware or any other virtual machine to check if it is working properly or not.

Download this latest crypter for free. Click below.

download link free fud kaser crypter

Posted on 22:27 by Shubham


FUD Chrome Cypter

Chrome Crypter is one of the most popular crypter over internet. It's simple and doesn't corrupts your exe file. It works with versions of DC, CG and all other major RATs

It's easily refudable. Check our REFUD section. When creating your server, don't check "add to startup" option in server builder, instead check it in crypter option. Drag and Drop icon changer is also provided. It's possible to REFUD this free crypter. Download it for free!!

download free crypter

Posted on 04:06 by Shubham

1 comment

free crypter

ICryptex is unique crypter of its kind. It's simple, FUD and doesn't debauch or corrupts your exe file. It's public version, and  coded in .NET so it's easily refudable. You'll filnd many refud techniques in REFUD section.

In order to make your file fully undetectable or FUD you have to choose UPX compression in your server builder. This option is available in DC, CG and many other RATs. It's is necessary to use "Add at startup" option in your server builder. It's simple and effective. Download it for free.

download free fud crypter

Posted on 03:55 by Shubham

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Tesla Crypter is fully undetectable (FUD) at this moment. It also has inbuilt file binder and icon changer, which further assist to bypass some antivirus like Avira AntiVir. File assembly changer generates completely  random file assembly. The crypter also provide option to add your exe to startup, bypassing windows UAC. Option is also provided to hide the exe file after first execution.

In conclusion it's one of the best free FUD crypter available in the market. Download it all for free!

download free fud crypter

Posted on 03:47 by Shubham

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Aegis crypter is one of the best free crypters available to make your exe fully undetectable at both scantime and runtime. Since most of the people doesn't know how to keep their crypters FUD for long time, this crypter is now detected by all of the antivirus software.

But again, the crypter itself  is of no much value, it's stub which makes every crypter unique. So if we have new stub then again our crypted exe becomes fully undetectable or FUD.  

Here is download link of FUD private stub, which should again make your exe fully undetectable by all antivirus software. Download Now!

                                                       download crypter for free

Posted on 03:43 by Shubham

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Posted on 03:13 by Shubham

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